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INF240 Basic Tools for Coding Theory and Cryptography


INF240 - Basic Tools for Coding Theory and Cryptography

Webpage: INF240

Author: Kenneth Fossen

In this repo/document you will find a collection of my notes from the lectures and the exercises with solutions.

They are structured in the way that they are Markdown documents for each lecture.

PS: They might contain noting errors


alt text

For this course the book Finite Fields - Rudolf Lidl and Harald Neiderreiter was used.

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes from Topic Finnished?
Lecture: 1 Groups OK
Lecture: 2 Groups, Cyclic Groups, Finite Groups, Caylay Tables, Subgroups  OK
After midterm    
Lecture: 12    
Lecture: 13 - 14 Characterization of Finite Fields and Roots of Irreducible polynomials OK
Lecture: 15 - 16 Conjugate elements,Automorphism and Traces OK
Lecture: 17 - 18 Linearized polynomials, Feedback Shift registers OK
Lecture: 19 - 20 Periodic sequences, Characteristic Polynomials OK
 Lecture: 21 - 22 Boolean functions  OK
 Lecture: 23 - 24 Boolean functions pt 2  OK
 Lecture: 25 - 26 Basics of coding theory OK



Practice Problems